DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs / Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard. The intent is that the template can be […]
DP station keeping event bulletins enhance the traditional reporting and analysis of dynamic positioning station keeping events and incidents. They ensure that the industry is provided with prompt feedback, including anonymous factual case studies of events reported to IMCA.
Individual DP events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.
To be included into the subscription list for the DP Event Bulletin emails, email [email protected]
All members are encouraged to contribute relevant DP information by using our reporting template which is available under Submit a Report where you will also see details on how to submit your information.
Richard Purser
Technical Adviser - Marine
DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs / Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard. The intent is that the template can be […]
DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs / Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard. The intent is that the template can be […]
DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs/Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard. The intent is that the template can be used on […]
DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs/Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard. The intent is that the template can be used on […]
DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist crew members conduct DP drills on-board. The intent is that the template can be used on any DP vessel so specific details […]
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