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Middle East & India

Regional activities

Each of our Regional Committees co-ordinate IMCA’s activities within their respective geographic area.

Each committee plans a varied programme of meetings and nominates individuals to represent the region on the global committees. The committee can establish sub-committees and workgroups to consider and highlight local issues to feed into the global work programme.

Committee Members are elected representatives from Member companies who are leaders and subject matter experts in the local business environment. Each Region has a nominated point of contact within the Secretariat who meets regularly with the Committee. Together they work closely to address the requirements of their respective regional members.

IMCA Contact

Chris Rodricks
Business Development – Middle East & India

IMCA Contact

Ali Macleod
Technical Adviser – Diving

Committee Members

Name Company Role
Jason Andrew Standing Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Committee Chair
Hannes Swiegers Fugro Marine Services bv Committee Vice-Chair
Deepak Singh Aries Marine Committee Member
Mark Impey Fugro Committee Member
Lokanath Tripathy Greatship (India) Ltd Committee Member
Hossam Elgebaly Oxy-Dive Training Center Committee Member
Tyrone Hart Safeen Survey & Subsea Services LLC Committee Member
Ali Macleod IMCA IMCA Secretariat Lead
Minutes of Meetings

Please log in to view meeting minutes

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