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Fuel Consumption Data Collection

Members will be aware that IMCA successfully argued at the IMO that the transport work proxy, which has been developed as a carbon intensity indicator (CII) for cargo ships, is not a suitable metric for assessing the carbon intensity of the offshore sector since the measurement of hours underway does not reflect how the offshore sector operates. For this reason, IMCA members, in collaboration with the Government of the Russian Federation, developed a joint submission to the IMO (MEPC 74/6) proposing a suitable metric for assessing the carbon intensity of the offshore sector.

The 70th session of IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) adopted mandatory MARPOL Annex VI requirements for ships to record and report their fuel oil consumption, also referred to as the Data Collection System (DCS). In addition to fuel oil consumption, a proxy for ‘transport work’ was also required to be reported.

Due to time constraints, the submission has not yet been considered by the IMO and has been deferred to IMO’s MEPC 76 session in 2021. However, in the interim, it is imperative that IMCA collects fuel consumption data from its members, in order to ensure that we can effectively lobby IMO Member States for a carbon intensity indicator (CII) which works for the offshore sector.

IMCA Contact

Margaret Fitzgerald
Head of Legal & Regulatory Affairs

Call to Action

In support of the IMCA submission, the Marine Policy & Regulatory Affairs Committee (MPRA) has developed spreadsheets for members to share their data regarding fuel consumption. Templates exist for single vessel and fleet reporting.

Members should download the relevant spreadsheet from this page, then for each vessel complete your information and fuel consumption date and then email to IMCA ([email protected]). Please do not modify the spreadsheets – contact us in advance for support.

We will compile all data received and use it to lobby the IMO for a sensible approach for the treatment of the offshore sector. Members can be assured that all data submitted will be treated anonymously.

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