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From the President – June 2011

Published on 30 June 2011

IMCA is a multi-faceted trade association. It covers a wide membership of all types of companies, all around the world, dealing with all forms of marine construction. I would like to remark on some apparently disparate events and draw together a few separate threads.

Several new members have joined, and amongst them are the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers(OGP) – our second reciprocal membership with a parallel organisation – and a large international oil company that, plus one other, brings the Corresponding membership to 79. We have worked with these two companies on several matters for some time, so it is a pleasure to see they are both now in membership.

The IMCA social season is now upon us and I attended agreat event on the HQS Wellington in London. A report features in this issue, as does one from the annual golf day.The midsummer ball is just around the corner, too.

IMCA is well known for its technical guidelines, but the Association has also just launched some new contracts materials: an international marine construction contract and contracting principles for general and more specific decommissioning work. I recognise that a lot of hardwork goes into creating such documents by those who are prepared to debate and find elegant wording that satisfies all parties, whilst sticking to the required fundamentals.

So in three seemingly disparate events where is the commonthread? IMCA aims to provide members with a common language to use where appropriate. If that language is to be understood it is important that IMCA is recognised. This inturn means we need to raise our profile in all the relevant arenas. Increased membership improves the capacity for spreading the word and visibility of IMCA, in this case through two very relevant, big, widespread, international organisations becoming members. Providing social opportunities for members to meet is a conduit to better dialogue when members can relax and take their engineering/commercial hats off and get to know one another on a social plane. Many’s the time that I have discovered important common ground at such occasions! Lastly, the published word – in this case on contracts – provides the common language that we can share.

Through these means, IMCA endeavours to deliver some of its objectives:

  • to strive for the highest possible standards with a balance of risk and cost in health and safety, technology, quality and efficiency, and environmental awareness and protection;
  • to achieve equitable contracting regimes; to resolve industry issues;
  • to promote co-operation across the industry.