IN 1284 – IMO Ballast Water Management Convention

  • Information Note
  • Published on 7 December 2015
  • 1 minute read

Members may have seen reports that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Ballast Water Management Convention will enter into force world-wide on 24 November 2016. However, this has not yet been confirmed by IMO, because the ratification figures are still being checked. 

The Convention will enter into force 12 months after the date on which it has been ratified by 30 IMO member states, representing 35 percent of the world’s merchant shipping tonnage.

It had been reported that, following ratification by the government of Indonesia, the Convention had reached its ratification threshold on 24 November, and that the Convention would enter into force world-wide 12 months later, on 24 November 2016. However, please note that because the figures are so close, IMO is recounting the tonnage figures based on updated 2015 data. 

An official decision on whether the Convention has reached its ratification threshold is expected shortly, possibly later this week. We will let Members know, once the decision has been taken by IMO.