IN 1413 – Toolbox talk prompts – CTV deckhand – personnel transfer

  • Information Note
  • Published on 20 July 2018
  • 3 minute read

This Information Note was produced under the supervision of the IMCA Marine Renewable Energy Committee.

1. When arriving at location

  1. Ensure passengers remain seated while vessel pushes on and is sitting stable.
  2. Instruct them to wait to be told by crewmember that it is safe to get ready to transfer.

2. In cabin before transfer

  1. Passengers and manifest checked to ensure passengers are departing at the correct location.
  2. Passengers reminded to carryout “Buddy checks” for harness, equipment, loose 
    items, etc.
  3. Request the passengers Inform the deckhand or Master if they have a concern or 
  4. Transfers will be carried out one at a time, other technicians are to remain clear of 
    the transfer zone by, or in the cabin.
  5. Are you wearing appropriate PPE?
  6. Are you confident passengers transferring understand the instructions they have 
    been given?
  7. Do you have a safety lanyard and if so is it tested and in good condition?

3. Pre-transfer deck preparation checks

  1. Are walkways and transfer area clear of slip/trip hazards?
  2. Check for dropped object potential.
  3. Is boat hook readily available to pull down fall arrest, if required?
  4. Is a sharp knife readily available in transfer area in case passenger gets entangled in fall arrest system?
  5. Is the transfer area adequately lit?
  6. Has two-way communication with Master been checked?
  7. Has a visual signal to proceed with transfers been confirmed with Master?

4. Pre-transferring checks

  1. Secure your safety lanyard to a strong point.
  2. Sea state monitored – height of seas and swells including “rogue” waves.
  3. Fall arrest system checked and operational.
  4. Passengers only called forward one at a time.
  5. Final buddy check given to visually check for loose or missing items.
  6. Safety clip/Frog for connecting passenger’s harness to fall arrest checked and operational.
    Safety Clip
  7. Confirmation received from Master that it’s safe to transfer for each passenger.

5. Transferring

  1. Give clear instructions to passenger transferring.
  2. Ensure there is sufficient slack in the fall arrest system.
  3. Check the passenger has connected the clip/frog correctly to their harness.
  4. Check sea and swell for any waves that could cause the boat to surge up/down.
  5. Watch for warning signals from the Master.
  6. Provide a clear positive instruction to the passenger when he is clear to transfer

6. Descending

  1. Monitor sea state and be prepared to stop climber if a "rogue wave" is seen or vessel starts to ride up/down on the ladder.
  2. Signal the passenger it is safe to transfer.
  3. Count-down the passenger for the last five rungs on the ladder with a loud clear voice:
    "5. 4. 3. 2. 1. STEP BACK"
  4. Disconnect and send passenger to cabin.

Originally issued with the following reference(s): IMCA M 03/18.