- Enter the IMCA Awards 2024: We\'re looking for outstanding Safety, Sustainability, and GHG projects.
- IP Code: Mandatory Code enters into force on 1 July. Make sure your company is up to speed with the changes.
- Early Bird tickets available for the IMCA Global Summit 2024. 3-4 December, Utrecht, Netherlands. Members can save £400.
- Discover how we are helping Members reduce emissions: Explore the ProjectGHG hub now.
- Now booking. Join the Lifting and Rigging community at our Technical Seminar in Amsterdam. Thursday 12 September 2024
- Now booking. Underwater Ship Husbandry Seminar. 10 October 2024, Singapore.
CEO Update – December 2021
Welcome to the final edition of Making Waves for 2021 as we celebrate the achievements of our Members, old and new.
For this month’s issue I will keep my editorial short and instead, you can watch my review of the year broadcast here.
Thank you again for your support, and I wish you all every success in the new year.
Regulatory News
New revision of the IMO Diving Code
After 18 months of work, IMCA’s Core Diving Industry Workgroup (CDIW) has just finalised efforts on revising and updating the IMO Code of Safety for Diving Systems (resolution A.831 (19) and the Guidelines and Specifications for Hyperbaric Evacuation Systems (resolution A.692 (17)) and has submitted its report to the 8th session of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) which will consider the report when it meets in Q1 2022.
MPRA Committee finalises proposals to IMO
The Marine Policy and Regulatory Affairs Committee (MPRA) finalises proposals to IMO to clarify the requirements of the soon to be approved Industrial Personnel (IP) Code and the associated new Chapter of the SOLAS Convention
IMO Assembly considering whether “other marine personnel” should be entitled to “key worker” status
In October 2021, IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) reviewed the text of a draft Assembly resolution on comprehensive action to address seafarersʹ challenges during the covid-19 pandemic and consolidates issues related to crew change, access to medical care, ʺkey workerʺ designation and vaccination.
IMCA urges members to be vigilant against fabricated certificates
IMCA urges members to treat with utmost caution, any certificates, other than those listed on their website, that depict IMCA logos or portray IMCA approval.
IMCA and Fugro celebrate Brazil’s ‘Friend of the Navy’ award
IMCA’s contribution to offshore training has been recognised by the presentation, by the Brazilian Navy, of the Brazilian ‘Friend of the Navy’ Medal (Medalha Amigo da Marinha) to John Chatten of Fugro, Chair of IMCA’s South America Region
IMCA make the shortlist at the 2022 edie Sustainability Leaders Awards
IMCA’s Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC) has made the shortlist for ‘Team of the year’ at edie’s 15th annual Sustainability Leaders Awards.
IMCA Expands its Diving Expertise
Our new technical adviser, Bill Chilton, brings a wealth of experience that will benefit IMCA members and the diving industry.
Welcoming new members – December
IMCA is delighted to welcome a range of new members in recent months.
Safety Corner
Safety Corner – December 2021
Nick Hough, Technical Adviser, provides an update on all things safety-related that are applicable to IMCA members and their operations. In this issue Nick looks back on IMCA’s collaboration with other organisations over the past few months.
What is COP26 and how does it affect shipping and the offshore sector?
The eyes of the world were glued to Glasgow last month, but what exactly is COP 26 and what does it mean for the offshore industry? Margaret Fitzgerald, Head of Marine Policy and Regulatory Affairs explains.
Reflecting on COP26 – Committing words to action
Nadine Robinson, Technical Adviser for Environmental Sustainability, reflects on key moments from COP26, their correlation to IMCA’s Recommended Code of Practice for Environmental Sustainability, and next steps for the Marine Contracting industry.
Inviting Nominations for IMCA’s Safety and Environmental Sustainability Awards
We have launched our annual awards programme to recognise our members achievements in the areas of Safety and Environmental Sustainability across the offshore construction industry in 2021.
Inside the Secretariat
Take a deep dive behind the scenes at IMCA with Technical Adviser, Andre Rose.
Explore the world of competence
The Competence Process
Read the fourth article in the IMCA Competence and Training Committee’s Series “Understanding Competence” with IMCA’s Technical Advisor for Competence & Training, Andre Rose.
The IMCA Competence Suite of Documents
In the fifth instalment of this series, Andre Rose, Technical Adviser of competence and Training, gives an overview of the IMCA documents relating to the competence process.
Competence and Safety
In the sixth instalment of this series, Andre Rose, Technical Adviser of competence and Training, looks at how competence and safety are intertwined.
Latest Publications
Latest Publications – December 2021
For the latest versions of IMCA documents, information notes and bulletins please visit the publications section on our website.
Users of IMCA guidance should ensure that they always use the current version, as our documents undergo a regular cycle of review and revision.
Events round up
Read about the IMCA and industry events we have been involved in recently.
Save the date: IMCA DP Conference 31 May – 1 June 2022
IMCA will be hosting a DP Conference in June 2022 focusing on technical and operational matters relating to Dynamic Positioning.
More details will be announced shortly.
New IMCA office location in 2022
Our office location is changing however our other contact details such as phone numbers, email addresses remain the same.
Keeping members up to date
IMCA Digest
IMCA’s Digest is an online collation of all of IMCA’s output. Here you can find a handy list of all IMCA output – publications, information notes, minutes, news updates, events information and more – to help you catch up, or to identify the issues we’ve been working on that are the most important to you. You can browse the latest output, or filter for any specific period to make sure you keep in touch with IMCA’s activities. Visit our website to keep up-to-date: imca-int.com/digest
Making Waves
Feedback and suggestions for future articles are welcome: [email protected]
Online signup coming soon - in the meantime, please email [email protected]