- Enter the IMCA Awards 2024: We\'re looking for outstanding Safety, Sustainability, and GHG projects.
- IP Code: Mandatory Code enters into force on 1 July. Make sure your company is up to speed with the changes.
- Early Bird tickets available for the IMCA Global Summit 2024. 3-4 December, Utrecht, Netherlands. Members can save £400.
- Discover how we are helping Members reduce emissions: Explore the ProjectGHG hub now.
- Now booking. Join the Lifting and Rigging community at our Technical Seminar in Amsterdam. Thursday 12 September 2024
- Now booking. Underwater Ship Husbandry Seminar. 10 October 2024, Singapore.
CEO Update – June/July 2021
Welcome to the June/July edition of Making Waves. It is great to see that our Code of Practice on Environmental Sustainability is receiving a good deal of attention from our members and the offshore industry in both the oil & gas and wind energy markets. It is an exemplar of IMCA’s operational model, with the development of best practices by our members for our members.
Our work in the wind energy sector is proceeding well, with good relations with industry associations in Europe and the USA. Captain Andy Goldsmith is leading our renewable energy strategy and is well placed to do so, given his leadership of our Marine Renewable Energy Committee (MREC) for the past five years. Incidentally, this is the tenth anniversary year of our MREC and demonstrates that IMCA has been in this market from the very start. In this edition you will see an interview with Trevor Johnson, who recently retired from the UKHSE. Trevor has been a strong contributor to our MREC and we thank him for his steadfast support over many years. In our next issue of Making Waves we hear from Alan MacLeay, Chairman of the committee since it began 10 years ago.
Visit IMCA’s COVID-19 Resource Area
Keep up to date with the latest from IMCA and other key sources including industry bodies, the International Maritime Organization and other associations. This area is split into news items and resources from third parties and IMCA.
Visit IMCA’s Vaccination Resource Area
Keep up to date with the latest from IMCA and other key sources including industry bodies, the International Maritime Organization and other associations. This area is split into news items and resources from third parties and IMCA. Visit this page for more information.
Roadmap for vaccination of International Seafarers
Find out how IMCA has been working with an industry-led vaccination task force to develop a roadmap for seafarers.
IMCA Technical Team Expertise Enhanced
We are delighted to announce that Richard Purser has joined the team as Technical Adviser – Marine.
New member of the Marketing Team
We are delighted to welcome Sarah Lawlor as Marketing & Communications Specialist to the Secretariat.
Welcoming new members
IMCA is delighted to welcome a range of news members so far in 2021.
Early feedback on DPO CPD launched in March
At the end of March the Nautical Institute (NI) and IMCA launched a Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPO) continuing professional development app. While it is still early days for the scheme the feedback received so far has been very positive.
eCMID System Updates
At the end of May we published the latest set of updates to our eCMID vessel inspection system, which offers a safety management system health check for offshore vessels.
Are we prepared to work safely?
Are we prepared to work safely? Are we prepared to do our bit in reducing incident and injury rates across our industry? The sharing of incidents is an important way IMCA members can get involved.
Safety Corner – June/July 2021
In this Safety Corner, Nick Hough, Technical Adviser, provides an update on all things safety-related that are applicable to IMCA members and their operations.
IMCA talks to Trevor Johnson at UKHSE
IMCA talks to Trevor Johnson, UKHSE, about challenges and highlights and being involved in offshore renewable energy.
Meet Gerry Muir, UKHSE
Gerry Muir recently became the UK Health & Safety Executive’s Team Lead for Wind and Marine Energy.
IMCA Guidance used in Franklin Offshore’s latest record breaking feat
IMCA Guidance supports Franklin Offshore’s record breaking MERLION TR King Cobra for use by Heerema’s Sleipnir to carry out one of the world’s heaviest lifts.
Environmental Sustainability – learn more in our new Recommended Code of Practice
Environmental Sustainability in Offshore Marine Construction – read our recently published Recommended Code of Practice.
Understanding Competence
Over the next few months, IMCA’s Competence and Training Committee will publish a series of articles, podcasts and wire side chats looking at various aspect of Competence. This first installment looks at what it is to be competent.
Latest Publications
Latest Publications – June 2021
For the latest versions of IMCA documents, information notes and bulletins please visit the publications section on our website.
Users of IMCA guidance should ensure that they always use the current version, as our documents undergo a regular cycle of review and revision.
Events round up
Read about the IMCA and industry events we have been involved in recently.
Call for papers – Joint Industry Event open until 30 July
Call for papers is now open for this event focusing on Smart Operations: Driving a lower carbon future.
Upcoming – Environmental Sustainability Seminar
IMCA’s Environmental Sustainability Committee will be hosting a virtual seminar on 28 September 2021. This technical and motivational seminar will include an exciting line up of speakers, interactive sessions and networking with a focus on our recently published Recommended Code of Practice on Environmental Sustainability. Details will be published shortly.
Keeping members up to date
IMCA Digest
IMCA’s Digest is an online collation of all of IMCA’s output. Here you can find a handy list of all IMCA output – publications, information notes, minutes, news updates, events information and more – to help you catch up, or to identify the issues we’ve been working on that are the most important to you. You can browse the latest output, or filter for any specific period to make sure you keep in touch with IMCA’s activities. Visit our website to keep up-to-date: imca-int.com/digest
Making Waves
Feedback and suggestions for future articles are welcome: [email protected]
Online signup coming soon - in the meantime, please email [email protected]