Basic safety training requirements for vessel personnel employed in the offshore renewable energy sector

Revision history

April 2024 Rev. 0.1 – Document QA check – preface and layout update; no change to content

November 2020 – Initial publication to define the minimum level of health and safety training and minimum medical fitness needed to work on and from vessels employed on an offshore renewable energy project


Prior to the commencement of work in the offshore renewable energy industry, all workers and mariners require a basic level of training.

While it is important that the standard and quality of the training remain good, various different training standards exist, and while basic safety training is the minimum requirement, further training is required dependent on the location and task.

The basic safety training matrix contained in this document defines a minimum level of health and safety training, as well as the minimum medical fitness needed to work on and from vessels employed on an offshore renewable energy project.

Reference(s): IMCA C018
Published:April 2024
Grade:IMCA Recommended Practice

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