Dropped object during delivery of offshore container

  • Safety Flash
  • Published on 3 January 2005
  • Generated on 15 February 2025
  • IMCA SF 01/05
  • 1 minute read

During delivery of an offshore container to a warehouse, a large metal object was observed lying on top of the container by a worker on a higher floor.

the object was removed and was found to be a 4 foot metal rod/brace

the object was removed and was found to be a 4 foot metal rod/brace

Investigation showed that the driver had travelled several miles, including passing through the local city centre, with the object on top of the trailer, posing a hazard to all in the surrounding area.


In response to the incident, the haulage company is currently reviewing its risk assessments covering loading, unloading and container transport procedures.

The company involved has reminded all suppliers of material for shipment of the UKOOA guidelines on this topic, which detail the appropriate requirements and manner to present cargo for offshore shipment.

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