IN 1609 – Verification of Diver Qualifications
- Information Note
- Published on 6 October 2023
- 4 minute read
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This information note has been produced to help IMCA Members and others verify the validity of diving certificates recognised by IMCA for the purpose of demonstrating the basic competence of those seeking employment as commercial divers within:
- The offshore commercial diving sector (the class of offshore diving); and
- The inland/inshore commercial diving sector (the class of inland/inshore diving).
This information note should be read in conjunction with IMCA Information Note 1610 – IMCA Position Statement on Offshore & Inland/Inshore Commercial Diving Qualifications.
1. Verification of offshore diver qualifications
The offshore commercial diver training certificates listed in the current version of IMCA information note 1394 – Diver and Diving Supervisor Certification are recognised by IMCA as suitable qualifications for those seeking employment as commercial divers in the offshore diving sector and for those seeking employment as commercial divers in the inland/inshore diving sector.
Those wishing to check the validity of such commercial diver training certificates should contact the relevant certifying authority. Contact details are provided below.
Australia – Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS)
526 Duncan Road, Dunoon, NSW 2480, Australia.
Contact: Amanda Sordes
Tel: +61 2 6689 5656
Mob: +61 4 0934 2464
Canada – Diver Certification Board of Canada (DCBC)
208-5209 St Margaret’s Bay, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, B3Z 1E3, Canada.
Contact: David Parkes
Tel: +1 902 826 2190
Mob: +1 902 471 7155
Fax: +1 902 826 2191
France – Institut National de Plongée Professionnelle (INPP)
Port de la Pointe Rouge, Entrée no 3, 13008 Marseille, France.
Contact: Eric Albier
Tel: +33 4 96 14 09 40
Fax: +33 4 91 73 83 01
Netherlands – Netherlands Diving Centre/Nationaal Duikcentrum (NDC)
Buitenhofdreef 280, 2625 RE Delft, The Netherlands. and
Contact: ASK BackOffice (Dir. Mrs Carin Bot)
Tel: +31 15 251 2024
Fax: +31 15 251 2021
E-mail: or
New Zealand – WorkSafe New Zealand
86 Customhouse Quay, PO Box 165, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.
Contact: Certifications, Approvals & Registrations Team
Tel: +64 4 897 7699
Norway – Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA)
Professor Olav Hanssens vei 10, Box 599, N-4003 Stavanger, Norway.
Contact: Bjarne Sandvik/Øyvind Loennechen
Tel: +47 5187 6050
Fax: +47 5187 6080
South Africa – Department of Labour
Laboria House, 215 Schoeman Street, Pretoria, South Africa.
Contact: Jabu Mhlophe | Keke Khoza
Tel: +27 12 309 4400 | +27 12 309 4399
Mob: +27 78 800 9527 | +27 84 959 8043
Fax: +27 12 309 4763
UK – Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
Diving Operations Strategy Team, Rosebery Court, St Andrews Business Park, Central Avenue
Norwich, NR7 0HS.
Contact: Diving Administrative Support Team
Tel: +44 (0)23 028 2741
United States of America – Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI)
5206 FM 1960 West, Suite 202, Houston, TX 77079, USA.
Contact: Nancy Vu
Tel: +1 281 893 8388
IMCA – Air and Bell Diving Supervisor and Life Support Technician certificates only
66 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AU, UK.
Contact: Membership Services Group
Tel: +44 (0)20 7824 5524
Certificate verification –
Other certificates
In the case of the following, certificates are issued directly by the schools listed and contact should be made with the school directly to verify their validity:
- India – Commercial Surface Supply Course, Kochi (issued between September 2002 and January 2013).
- ACDE certificates issued since 1993 by the following US training schools, recognised by the Association of Commercial Diving Educators (ACDE) in respect of training/assessment performed in accordance with US Standard ANSI/ACDE-01-1993 and its successor standard ANSI/ACDE-01-1998: ACDE – email: / website:
- IMCA Surface Supplied: Certificates issued with the approval of IMCA, following competence assessment of experienced surface supplied divers in accordance with IMCA Information Note 799 – Competence assessment of experienced surface supplied divers, by:
- Diving Diseases Research Centre.
- KB Associates Pte Ltd.
- Interdive Services Ltd.
- National Hyperbaric Centre.
- IMCA Surface Supplied and Bell Diver: Certificates issued under the ‘Verification of experienced ACDE surface supplied and bell divers’ undertaken by The Ocean Corporation and KB Associates (Europe) with the approval of IMCA.
2. Verification of inland/inshore diver qualifications
Inland/inshore commercial diver training certificates issued by the certifying authorities listed in Section one above are also recognised by IMCA as suitable qualifications for those seeking employment as commercial divers in the inland/inshore diving sector only. Those wishing to check the validity of such commercial diver training certificates should contact the relevant certifying authority using the details provided in Section one.
In addition to the certifying authorities listed in Section one, IMCA also recognises the inland/inshore commercial diver training certificates issued by the following certifying authority:
Singapore – Diver Certification Authority (Workplace Safety and Health Council)
1500 Bendemeer Road, Singapore 339946.
Tel: +65 6438 5122
NOTE: Inland/inshore commercial diving training certificates are not recognised by IMCA for offshore commercial diving activities.
IMCA Position Statement on Offshore & Inland/Inshore Commercial Diving Qualifications
IMCA Members must always comply with applicable national legislative requirements.
Information Note