Hand pinched between cable and cable roller frame

  • Safety Flash
  • Published on 8 November 2021
  • Generated on 9 February 2025
  • IMCA SF 30/21
  • 2 minute read

A person got their hand trapped between the cable and an upright steel frame post of the roller table, leading to a hand injury.  

What happened?

After completion of testing of the cable, the cable was to be placed back on the roller table.

Due to the limitation of the deck gantry crane, the cable end had to be lifted by approximately 10 cm to clear the vertical cable roller post.

When lowering the cable, the injured person’s hand was pinched between the frame post and the cable, causing a laceration to his hand even through his protective glove.

Hand pinched between cable and cable roller frame
Hand pinched between cable and cable roller frame

What went wrong?

  • The Task Risk Assessment covering the set-up for the testing of cable did not include the movement of the cable end, and so the related hazards were not highlighted.

  • The operation was considered a routine task (IMCA emphasis) during cable load out and there was no Toolbox Talk specific to this task. Hazards were covered in the daily shift tool box talk.

  • The pinch points on the cable highway were insufficiently marked.

  • The injured person was the Supervisor – or acting as such  – and supported the work by actively putting his hand onto the cable.

  • “Stop the Job” authority was not used to tighten the rigging arrangement and/or move the rigging to a better place so that the cable could have been lifted over the post with the gantry crane.


  • Follow the “Life-saving Rules” and never place yourself in the line of fire.

  • Have a “hazard hunt”: take a close look at injury risk from contact with pinch points, entrapment or other line of fire hazards.

  • Ensure everyone fully understands what is going to happen – conduct a worksite risk assessment review.

  • Where appropriate perform a last-minute risk assessment.

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