Hand injury during closing of hatch
- Safety Flash
- Published on 5 April 2019
- Generated on 9 February 2025
- IMCA SF 06/19
- 2 minute read
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Four crewmen made a journey by small boat to inspect an SPM and floating hoses.
What happened?
After completion of the inspection and maintenance work, two of the crew were closing the SPM hatch, but were informed by the control room that the door was not sealing properly.
The hatch was repeatedly opened and closed without achieving the required seal. On further inspection, it was noticed that a hatch locking part was misaligned. This was corrected, and the hatch was closed.
The moment the hatch stopper was removed, the hatch door swung inside towards one of the workers, and as he tried to move away from the path of the hatch he slipped, causing his left thumb to be pinched between the hatch and bulkhead.
The injured person was taken ashore for treatment. There were contusions and a minor fracture.
Following medical treatment, the injured person was declared by a doctor to be fit to return to light duties.
What were the causes?
- The worker slipped on a slippery/wet uneven surface.
- The hatch would not lock properly because the locking mechanism was misaligned.
- Hatch door on the SPM was not secured by rope in the open position.
What actions were taken?
- Added names of local land hospital on Emergency Response Plan and list of Emergency Contacts.
- Means to secure the hatch when open were added to the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Register.
Related Safety Flashes
IMCA SF 25/18
9 November 2018
IMCA SF 04/16
5 February 2016
IMCA SF 15/13
23 September 2013
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