Safety Flashes – a review of 2024

  • Safety Flash
  • Published on 23 January 2025
  • Generated on 14 February 2025
  • IMCA SF 01/25
  • 10 minute read

This is a short summary of the 24 IMCA Safety Flashes published during 2024.

All the published safety events or incidents are available on the IMCA website as individual web pages at

IMCA members can sign up to receive Safety Flash emails. These comprise links to a number of events or incidents (usually 5) and a link to all the events collected together as a PDF.

The 24 Flashes covered 88 individual incidents or events shared by IMCA members. A further 33 incidents or events from information already in the public domain, from different trade bodies and/or regulators, were shared as being of interest. It should be noted that Safety Flashes are intended to be read by our members’ offshore crews, and by office-based safety professionals.

IMCA Safety Flashes are aligned with the IOGP Life-saving Rules. In 2024, 31% of our members’ reported incidents or events involved the “Line of Fire” rule. 24% were “By-passing Safety Controls”. For completeness it should be noted that an incident or event might fall under more than one IOGP Life-saving Rule – or under none at all.

  • Line of Fire: Of the 27 events or incidents reported by members that were categorised under “Line of Fire”, three were LTIs. There were ten hand, arm or finger injuries – all the LTIs under Line of Fire were finger injuries. Hand and fingers injuries remains a concern, and looking closely at safety promotional material in this area will be a priority.

  • By-passing Safety Controls: In the 21 events or incidents reported by members, we see occurrences such as an unauthorised entry into confined space, misuse of tools, watertight doors left open, carriage of Dangerous Goods by vessel without proper certification, and approved safety devices being tampered with.

  • Safe Mechanical Lifting: Seven events – some of which will also be line of fire issues and/or equipment failure issues – were reported. There were two cases of crew being caught on lines during lifting operations, one snagged by a tag line, the other, pulled to deck by a crane whip line catching on fall arrest equipment.

  • Working at Height: Six events broke the Working at height rule. Two of these involved unauthorised working at height in a confined space, and one of these was a case where someone was prevented from working at height doing hot work in a confined space! The importance of crew being able and willing to exercise STOP WORK AUTHORITY cannot be understated.

  •  Other issues
    • Failure of equipment: There were six incidents where failure of equipment was an immediate cause. A trend worth highlighting, possibly, is that two of these involved significant structural failure of small boats – fortunately with no persons actually in them at the time.
    • Dropped or falling objects were reported on 13 occasions, including a Pipeline End Manifold yoke dropped, a lifting beam fell when a strop parted, cargo was dropped during lifting operations, and equipment dropped or fell over on several occasions.

A deeper dive into the safety events reported by our members may be worth taking at a later stage. In the interests of members getting a shorter summary, we will stop here and simply provide members with a useful list of the incidents published during the year.

The Safety Flashes of 2024




IMCA SF 01/24

¨          Diver in the bell hit by falling object

¨          Divers lifted off seabed by Clump Weight

¨          Leak in hot water system for saturation divers

¨          Chain hoist paid out unsupervised near running main engine

¨          MAIB: Workboat collision with wind turbine platform


IMCA SF 02/24

¨          Day Signal mast broke off and fell to deck

¨          Person injured going down ladder

¨          LTI – forklift knocked spooler bar onto person's leg

¨          MSF: LTI – Engineer scalded

¨          MAIB: Deep fat fryer fire


IMCA SF 03/24

¨          BSEE: Are your emergency procedures and your emergency equipment good enough?

¨          High potential: navigation near offshore wind turbines

¨          Failure of self-righting frame on Fast Rescue Craft (FRC)

¨          Fall Protection – Defective Safety Harness

¨          MSF: two dropped object incidents


IMCA SF 04/24

¨          Unauthorised entry into confined space

¨          Hot work whilst working at height in a confined space – job was stopped

¨          BSEE: Confined space entry – tank cleaning

¨          USCG: wire rope hazard management – dropped turbine nacelle

¨          Vessel damaged in contact with platform


IMCA SF 05/24

¨          Pipeline End Manifold yoke dropped from 45° position

¨          LTI: Damage and personal injury arising from heavy weather

¨          Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) hit protruding scaffolding on a supply vessel

¨          Heavy equipment fell over during manual handling

¨          UK HSE: Crane boom collapse


IMCA SF 06/24

¨          Person struck and injured during lifting operations

¨          Person pulled to deck by fall arrest harness

¨          High potential: sea water inlet pipe leakage in engine room

¨          Security: Illegal boarding – theft while the vessel at anchor

¨          MSF: Chemical Handling – Eye Burn


IMCA SF 07/24

¨          Loss of heading control on an FPU during diving operations

¨          Implosion of chemical tank

¨          USCG: hazard from discarded munitions

¨          Person injured when chain hoist container failed at securing point

¨          LTI: person slipped climbing out of tank


IMCA SF 08/24

¨          Main bell wire rope damaged

¨          Main bell wire rope failed destructive test

¨          Lone worker collapsed at onshore site

¨          A reminder on watertight doors

¨          UK HSE: worker injured by falling stack of batteries in Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers


IMCA SF 09/24

¨          Injuries to the eyes and face

¨          Trapped finger during mooring operations

¨          Near miss – lid on ash trash barrel blown off due to hot ash

¨          MAIB: Crew member injured by rotating crank handle – LTI

¨          Near miss: dislodged grating with potential fall to sea


IMCA SF 10/24

¨          Hand and finger injuries

¨          Crewmember suspended above deck by lifting equipment

¨          CTV crew member snagged on tag line and lifted off feet

¨          Engine failure and subsequent engine room fire

¨          BSEE: Welding and Burning Hazards


IMCA SF 11/24

¨          Dropped lifting beam due to parted soft strop

¨          Vessel collided with platform

¨          Diver’s umbilical trapped during a pipeline flooding operation

¨          Stored energy – dislodged pin causes injury

¨          MAIB: Leg injury while mooring


IMCA SF 12/24

¨          Swinging load after loss of position

¨          Dropped welding fume extraction hood

¨          Carriage of Methanol – Dangerous Goods – without proper certification

¨          Personnel exposed to hydrogen sulphide during maintenance

¨          MAIB: Person injured during lifting of compressor


IMCA SF 13/24

¨          ROV dropped to seabed

¨          UK HSE: Service lifts on offshore and onshore wind turbines

¨          Dropped halogen lamp caused small fire

¨          MAIB: Man overboard – unguarded opening

¨          MAIB: A slip into the hold


IMCA SF 14/24

¨          Loss of pressure to diver’s primary air supply

¨          Equipment fell on someone’s leg causing injury

¨          Electric shock after water ingress to switch

¨          Emergency musters and drills

¨          Bunker hose damaged during connection


IMCA SF 15/24

¨          Side scuttle (porthole) knocked out by wave impact

¨          Dropped object: unsecured cargo inside box broke lose and fell

¨          Load lost from lorry on public road – inadequate securing of cargo

¨          Fast Rescue Boat (FRC) comes close to falling off in a dry dock

¨          MAIB: LTI – a wedge shattered causing injury


IMCA SF 16/24

¨          LTI: fingers severed by spinning fan blade

¨          Angle Grinder Finger Injury

¨          Crew member cut hand on broken glass during heavy weather

¨          Arm injury from metal skip cover

¨          MSF: Serious hand injury – high pressure air


IMCA SF 17/24

¨          Non-fatal man overboard: worker fell from height into the sea

¨          LTI – person fell from step ladder

¨          Parted tag line caused damage during lifting operations

¨          Dropped object during cable trans-spooling

¨          Lifeboat air cylinder explosion on an empty installation


IMCA SF 18/24

¨          Near miss: lift bag released unintentionally from crane hook

¨          Nitrogen cylinder ruptured

¨          Offshore platform decommissioning near miss

¨          NTSB: Fire on vessel – stray electrical current during welding

¨          MAIB: vessel collision caused by mismatch between bridge and engine room control


IMCA SF 19/24

¨          Man overboard during motion compensated gangway transfer

¨          UK HSE: fall from height injury at container port

¨          Tampering with approved safety devices 

¨          Injury to little finger – LTI

¨          Laceration to right index finger


IMCA SF 20/24

¨          Fire in engine room

¨          Near Miss: Smoke and fire on Main Engine Exhaust

¨          Urgent inspection of pressurised carbon dioxide fire fighting systems

¨          MSF: Safety pins left in fire suppression system – high potential near miss

¨          Inappropriate automatic activation of fixed fire-fighting system

¨          NTSB: Fire on vessel – escaped exhaust gases


IMCA SF 21/24

¨          Main Crane failure during load test

¨          AC vent unit cover dislodged and fell 1.7m

¨          Dropped sheave and clump weight

¨          UK HSE: Incident during rig decommissioning leads to fatality

¨          Positive: successful rescue of surfer on the open sea


IMCA SF 22/24

¨          Diver exposed to unplanned release of production gas

¨          Dropped object – wooden packing block

¨          BSEE: person fell through open hatch

¨          NTSB: Fire on vessel – escaped exhaust gases

¨          Snagging hazards


IMCA SF 23/24

¨          LTI: Finger injury during emergency recovery of ROV

¨          BSEE: recurring hand injuries from alternative cutting devices

¨          NTSB: Crane wire failure

¨          Hot work performed outside of Permit to Work (PTW) boundary limit

¨          Vital safety information (height of vehicle) found incorrect


IMCA SF 24/24

¨          Structural failure of rescue boat

¨          High potential: spontaneous opening of hydraulic release shackle (HRS) pin

¨          NTSB: diesel generator engine failure

¨          LTI: fall from height during anchor chain handling operation

¨          Sudden disconnection of pressurised hose


Latest Safety Flashes:

Saturation diver exposed to chemicals from pipeline

During pigging and decommissioning operations, a saturation diver was exposed to the contents of a pipeline.

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MAIB: Parted mooring rope leads to fatality

A deck officer was killed during mooring operations when a mooring rope parted and struck him on the head.

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Confined space entry hot work fatality

An incident was brought to IMCA’s attention relating to a confined space entry hot work fatality in a shipyard.

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MAIB: Vessel cook injured by spillage of burning cooking oil

Cook receives burns from oil spill due to faulty thermostat. 

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MAIB: Step-ladder failure (LTI)

A crew member was working while stood on the top step of a small folding stepladder when the step gave way.

Read more

IMCA Safety Flashes summarise key safety matters and incidents, allowing lessons to be more easily learnt for the benefit of the entire offshore industry.

The effectiveness of the IMCA Safety Flash system depends on the industry sharing information and so avoiding repeat incidents. Incidents are classified according to IOGP's Life Saving Rules.

All information is anonymised or sanitised, as appropriate, and warnings for graphic content included where possible.

IMCA makes every effort to ensure both the accuracy and reliability of the information shared, but is not be liable for any guidance and/or recommendation and/or statement herein contained.

The information contained in this document does not fulfil or replace any individual's or Member's legal, regulatory or other duties or obligations in respect of their operations. Individuals and Members remain solely responsible for the safe, lawful and proper conduct of their operations.

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