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Safety Statistics

IMCA publishes safety statistics (covering injuries, fatalities, and reporting activity) based on anonymised submissions from its contractor members.

Reports provide insight to industry safety, health and environment performance, identifying any particular trends and enabling IMCA members to benchmark their performance.

This reporting hub combines data from 1996 onwards with an online submission tool for easier submission, reporting and, for logged-in members, comparison with the wider industry and against previous years’ performance.

Annual reports from 1996 remain available for download:

Annual Safety Statistics Reports

Submit Safety Data

Submission of data is requested from all contractor (GCo, ICo and Co) members.

To provide data linked to your member account, please log in below:
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Summary of IMCA member safety statistics

Latest reporting period: 2023 (comparison with 2022)

Total statistics

0.30 (0.32) 1.07 (1.10) 440.56 (424.20)

Offshore statistics

0.41 (0.39) 1.47 (1.45) 580.14 (658.45)
Contributing companies: 0
Total man hours:0
Top LTI cause:Line of fire/caught between/struck against

Comparison with other industry trade bodies

Lost time injuries

Total recordable injuries

Lost time injury causes


 1: Falls from height  2: Slips and trips  3: Dropped/falling objects  4: Muscle stress and repetitive movement  5: Line of fire/caught between/struck against  6: Stored energy release

Safety observations

Company bands LTIFR

Company bands TRIR


Total company hours

The number of hours worked by employees across the entire organisation, including overtime.

Offshore hours

The number of hours worked on vessels, barges, boats or any other offshore structures or installations, based on a 12-hour day.


The number of employees and others who died as a result of an incident. This excludes fatalities occurring as a result of illness or ill-health that occurred at the worksite, such as fatal heart disease.

Lost time injuries

The number of work-related injuries which caused the injured person to be absent from work for at least one normal shift after the event because of unfitness to perform any duties.

Total recordable cases

Total recordables = fatalities + lost time injuries + restricted workday cases + medical treatment cases
Medical treatment (beyond first aid) involves significant work related injuries or illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional. IMCA uses the OSHA (United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration) definition of medical treatment, which is the management and care of a patient to combat a disease or disorder. OSHA's definition of medical treatment does not include visits to a doctor or other licensed health care professional solely for observation, counseling, diagnostic procedures or first aid.
Restricted workday case (RWC) is any work-related injury other than a fatality or lost work day case which results in a person being unfit for full performance of a regular job on the shift/day after the injury.

Safety observations

The number of recorded positive and negative safety or hazard observations, identifying both unsafe behaviours, conditions or situations, and positive safety observations.

LTI causes:

For lost time injuries (LTIs) reported above, it is necessary to include a direct cause. The direct causes of all LTIs reported needs to fall into one of the six categories outlined below. “Other” or “No cause given” is not an option. Submission of data will not be possible unless all the LTIs recorded have causes attributed to them.

Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)

The number of LTIs (including fatalities) per million hours worked.

Total recordable injuries rate (TRIR)

The number of recordable injuries (including fatalities and LTIs) per million hours worked.

Safety observations frequency rate (SOFR)

The number of safety observations per 200,000 hours worked.

Fatal accident rate (FAR)

The number of fatalities per 100 million hours worked.

Notes on the IMCA safety statistics:

  • Data for 1996-2017 was separated into offshore/onshore categories, with an 'overall' combining the two.  From 2018, data is collected and reported as offshore/total, with the historical 'overall' figure used for comparison.
  • Company bands enable comparison with performance of like-sized companies.  The bands used are based on reported hours as follows:  A: >10 million hours; B: 5m-10m hours; C: 1m-5m hours; D: <1m hours