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IMCA produces a range of materials for its members as information notes, covering safety, technical, regulatory, commercial and various other issues relevant to its members.

Members can access all of these materials by logging in to this site. Non-members can view titles, for information, and a small number of individual articles deemed of wider public interest.

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Changes to helideck friction requirements on offshore helidecks

Copied below is a communication received from Alex Knight of the Helideck Certification Agency with the intention of clarifying the recently revised CAP 437; please also see the attached. “Some of your members will be aware of the changes which came into force in the latest (8th Edition) of CAP 437. One of

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| Information Note number 1369

US Maritime Advisory System announced

This information note is to advise members of the new US Maritime Advisory System recently announced by the US Government’s Maritime Administration (MARAD).  The following note was released by the MARAD Office of Security on Thursday 26 January 2017: “1.  This message announces the launch of the new U.S. Maritime

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| Information Note number 1352 | Original reference(s) IMCA HSSE 01/17, IMCA M 01/17

IMO guidance relating to seafarers who hold certificates and documents that do not comply with the 2010 Amendments to the STCW Convention and Code from 1 January to 1 July 2017

On 5 December 2016 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) issued MSC Circular MSC.1/Circ.1560 to recommend that port state control (PSC) authorities take a practical approach when inspecting ships that have […]

| Information Note number 1348 | Original reference(s) IMCA RN 05/16

New EU regulation regarding measuring, reporting and verification (MRV)

On Friday 4 November, the European Commission adopted Regulation 2016/1927 to provide further guidance regarding the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2015/757 (MRV Regulation). The new regulation lays down templates and technical rules for the submission of monitoring plans, emissions reports and documents of compliance pursuant to MRV regulation. A compliance

| Information Note number 1341 | Original reference(s) IMCA RN 03/16

DP station keeping reporting

DP station keeping reporting has further evolved during 2016. The experience and knowledge of the IMCA DP Focused Workgroup has enabled the production of a new electronic DP station keeping event form, introduction of a periodic DP event bulletin and the inclusion of a gap analysis tool to complement the

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| Information Note number 1328 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 16/16

US National Maritime Security Advisory Committee vacancies

This information note is for the benefit of IMCA’s US members and concerns a message from the US Coast Guard which seeks applications from candidates to become members of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee. A notification has been placed on the ‘Coast Guard Maritime Commons’ web page and has

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| Information Note number 1327 | Original reference(s) IMCA SEL 11/16, IMCA M 15/16

Application to designate the North Sea and English Channel and the Baltic Sea ECAs as ECA NOₓ

Applications have been submitted to the next meeting of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) to extend the scope of the North Sea & English Channel and the Baltic Sea Emissions Control Areas (ECAs) to ECA NOₓ. If approved, any new ships constructed on or after

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| Information Note number 1324 | Original reference(s) IMCA SEL 08/16, IMCA M 12/16

Revalidating STCW certificates: New requirements for seafarers

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 (STCW Convention) and Code, as amended by the 2010 Manila Amendments, provide new requirements for all seafarers. The transitional period for these amendments comes to an end on 1 January 2017. Seafarers revalidating their STCW certificates will

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| Information Note number 1325 | Original reference(s) IMCA SEL 09/16, IMCA M 13/16

Ballast Water Management Convention

1 What is the Ballast Water Management Convention? The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water & Sediments was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2004, it is intended to prevent the spread of invasive species and to protect biodiversity.  The Convention will prohibit

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| Information Note number 1318 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 09/16

IMO Ballast Water Management Convention: Update on entry into force

Members will recall that there were reports at the end of 2015 that the tonnage criteria for the BWM convention had been reached, and that the 12 month countdown to entry into force had started. IMO has been rechecking the tonnage figures and has now confirmed that the tonnage threshold

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| Information Note number 1293 | Original reference(s) IMCA SEL 02/16, IMCA M 02/16

Battery installations: Key hazards to consider and Lloyd’s Register’s approach to approval

Members’ attention is drawn to the second edition of the Lloyd’s Register (LR) guidance to clients on battery installations (attached), covering the hazards associated with them, and LR’s approach to approving them.  The guidance is generic and applies to all electric and hybrid configurations and is based on LR’s experience

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| Information Note number 1294 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 03/16

Recent release of Guidelines on cyber security onboard ships

Members will wish to be aware that new guidelines for cyber security measures onboard ships have been published by BIMCO in a document supported by Cruise Lines International Association, the International Chamber of Shipping, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners and the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners.  The

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| Information Note number 1291 | Original reference(s) IMCA SEL 01/16, IMCA M 01/16

183 post(s)