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Mayflower Autonomous Ship

In 2016, Plymouth city officials considered celebrating the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim Fathers sailing, in 1620, on the Mayflower to the “New World” by building a replica vessel. Whilst […]

| Information Note number 1582

Cyber security considerations for autonomous and remotely controlled systems

A Brief History of SecurityHistorically, security can be defined as:The state of being free from danger or threat.The safety of a state or organization against criminal activity such as terrorism, theft, or espionage.Procedures followed or measures taken to ensure the security of a state or organization.The definitions still hold true

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1508 | Original reference(s) IMCA DIG 03/20

Internet of things (IoT)

The world is currently experiencing the 4th Industrial Revolution. Building on advances made in the 3rd Industrial or ‘Digitisation’ Revolution, this new technology era is typified by the blurring, or removal, of boundaries between the physical, artificial, digital and virtual worlds. The most obvious changes can be seen in the

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1507 | Original reference(s) IMCA DIG 02/20

7 post(s)