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IMCA produces a range of materials for its members as information notes, covering safety, technical, regulatory, commercial and various other issues relevant to its members.

Members can access all of these materials by logging in to this site. Non-members can view titles, for information, and a small number of individual articles deemed of wider public interest.

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JFD COBRA Safety Notice

Your attention is brought to the following safety notice issued by JFD.  JFD is instructing all users to cease COBRA diving operations immediately until such time as replacement parts can […]

| Information Note number 1537

Fuel Consumption Data Collection

The 70th session of IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) adopted mandatory MARPOL Annex VI requirements for ships to record and report their fuel oil consumption, also referred to […]

| Information Note number 1530 | Original reference(s) IMCA RN 01/20

GPS systems – Warning of interference

The United States Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) has issued revised advisory notice 2020-016-Various-GPS Interference on multiple instances of significant GPS interference that have been reported worldwide. This interference is resulting […]

| Information Note number 1525 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 15/20, IMCA S 01/20

IMCA Security Bulletin 03/20

The IMCA HSSE Security Committee is determined to raise awareness of security issues that can potentially harm member companies. Information provided in this regular security bulletin is intended to be used by members to either directly pass on to employees or use the material it contains as part of an

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1523

Straw man briefing note to assist IMCA members; Executives

Talking Points IMCA Contracting Principles Over the last few years IMCA members have seen a steady and significant erosion of contracting conditions. This was mainly caused by a re-think of contracting risks after the BP Macondo incident and the serious down-turn in the oil & gas industry in recent years.

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1518 | Original reference(s) IMCA AP 15/20

eCMID/eMISW Temporary Validity Extension Ending

Further to information note IMCA M 01/20 – Marine and DP assurance – IMCA advice during ongoing COVID-19 situation, the temporary validity extension of eCMID/eMISW inspections ends in July. IMCA […]

| Information Note number 1517 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 14/20

COVID-19 and returning to the workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the global economy and continues to present the marine contracting sector with some significant challenges, particularly when in association with the […]

| Information Note number 1515 | Original reference(s) IMCA HSSE 02/20

Safety statistics for IMCA contractor members: 2019

IMCA has produced an annual report of safety and environment statistics (covering fatalities, injuries and environmental indicators) supplied by contractor members since 1997.  IMCA’s HSSE Core Committee recognises that the publication of safety statistics is considered an important and useful service to members. The safety statistics are available as a

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| Information Note number 1513

eCMID and eMISW findings analysis

IMCA has analysed over 2,100 vessel inspection reports uploaded into the eCMID database at and produced the following summary of key findings. The eCMID system enables vessel operators to […]

| Information Note number 1512 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 13/20

Cyber security considerations for autonomous and remotely controlled systems

A Brief History of Security Historically, security can be defined as: The state of being free from danger or threat.The safety of a state or organization against criminal activity such as terrorism, theft, or espionage.Procedures followed or measures taken to ensure the security of a state or organization. The definitions

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| Information Note number 1508 | Original reference(s) IMCA DIG 03/20

Internet of things (IoT)

The world is currently experiencing the 4th Industrial Revolution. Building on advances made in the 3rd Industrial or ‘Digitisation’ Revolution, this new technology era is typified by the blurring, or removal, of boundaries between the physical, artificial, digital and virtual worlds. The most obvious changes can be seen in the

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1507 | Original reference(s) IMCA DIG 02/20

IMCA security bulletin 02/20

The IMCA Security Committee is determined to raise awareness of security issues that can potentially harm member companies. Information provided in this regular Security Bulletin is intended to be used by members to either directly pass on to employees or use the material it contains as part of an existing

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1504

DPO Certification – The available schemes

DPO Certification – The available schemes: There are currently three organisations offering DPO certification. Each organisation states that the training scheme is in accordance with IMCA M 117 – Guidelines for the Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel. This information note provides an outline of each scheme. It does

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| Information Note number 1501 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 11/20

IMCA COVID-19 update, 9 April 2020

This update collates the ongoing work of IMCA in tackling the many practical issues that have arisen as a result of lockdowns and travel restrictions. It also contains feedback from […]

| Information Note number 1500

Marine warranty – vessel suitability survey poor practice

IMCA has received concerns from several members regarding the practice of some MWS vessel suitability surveys. The members reported that suitability surveys were often close, or in some cases identical, to an IMCA common marine inspection (eCMID) audit with little or no regard to the mission specific equipment, i.e. the

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1495 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 06/20

531 post(s)