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IMCA donates £10,000 to Jason’s Beacon providing free Personal Locator Beacons to offshore workers

IMCA has donated £10,000/US$12,500 to a charity providing free Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) to offshore professionals working in US waters. PLBs are emergency rescue service aids which emit a signal allowing rescue workers to use GPS coordinates to find workers who are stranded at sea. The donation will enable Jason’s Beacon, a Texas based non-profit, to provide 35 beacons free of charge to verified offshore personnel working with US based companies. The charity was founded in 2021 by the family of Jason Willis Krell who tragically lost his life at sea in the Seacor Power Disaster on April 13, 2021,

IMCA North America Regional Meeting

The next IMCA North America Regional Meeting takes place in Newport, Rhode Island on Tuesday March 26, 2024. You’ll hear from a range of industry speakers exploring topics such as Personal Locator Beacons (Fugro), eCMID and vessel assurance (Baker Marine Solutions), and safe personnel transfer (Boskalis). We’ll also be hosting an interactive Walk2Work group workshop. From IMCA, attendees will hear from Richard Purser, Technical Adviser – Marine, and Rhys Jones Technical Adviser – Marine Renewable Energy and Dustin Varnell, Master Mariner. Also in attendance will be Director of Client Engagement – North America, Bruce Gresham. View the agenda in full

Exploring Emergency Response for offshore wind in New England

IMCA, in partnership with Board member G+, hosted the Offshore Wind Emergency Response workshop at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in November. 80 delegates were in attendance including representatives from contractors, developers, the emergency services and regulators. Welcoming attendees to the event, Dustin Varnell of IMCA introduced New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell. Taking time out of his busy schedule, Mayor Mitchell addressed the workshop emphasising the importance of offshore wind as the next step in New Bedford’s long and proud maritime legacy. The workshop started with an introduction from Beate Hildenbrand (G+) and explored emergency response in North American offshore

S. 3038: “Now is not the time to enact legislation that could have dire unintended consequences”

On 4 October 2023, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) introduced a new version of AOWFA in an attempt to address flaws in the House version of AOWFA (Section 336 of the 2023 Coast Guard Authorization Act).  S. 3038 attempts to find a balance between the use of US and foreign-flag vessels to maximise opportunities for US companies and workers while avoiding both offshore oil and gas and offshore wind project delays. It tries to accomplish this by acknowledging the lack of US vessels for certain work and includes an implementation delay for export cable lay, inter-array cable lay, umbilical cable lay, and

Exploring alternative contracting models

We preview the upcoming IMCA Regional Meeting in North America on 2 November 2023. Book your place now. IMCA’s hybrid regional meeting brings together leading voices in the offshore oil and gas and wind industry to discuss how we can overcome the performance challenges we collectively face in North America, and how alternative contracting models can help us collectively meet the huge expectations placed on our sectors.  Challenging productivity, an adversarial and competitive working environment, and limited take-up of technology and innovation have impacted across the supply chain. Organising contracts around common goals with a focus on collaboration, cooperation, and

Regional Meetings: Bringing our members together

IMCA’s Regional Meetings bring Members together to explore the key issues facing the industry.   They are not only an opportunity to hear first-hand from our team of technical experts on recent industry developments, they also offer attendees the chance to build vital connections. With guest-speakers invited from the offshore sector sharing their expertise and insight, they are must-attend dates in the industry calendar.  Book your place now for IMCA’s upcoming Regional Meetings in Q3 and Q4 2023 in the links below. Agenda details will be shared soon.  Middle East & India – Dubai, UAE (12 October).  North America – Houston,

Contracting Principles for Offshore Wind at IPF 2023

Our campaign for sustainable contracting principles around offshore wind installation is heading to IPF 2023 in Baltimore, USA with IMCA taking part in an industry panel discussion on the topic of allocation of risk in offshore wind contracting.  IPF 2023 is the 10th anniversary of the International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum, organised by the Business Network for Offshore Wind. The event, which is the premier offshore wind energy conference in the Americas, welcomes more than 4,000 delegates across three days with global leaders and businesses in the supply chain discussing the latest technical and policy developments in this space.  Iain

IMCA launches NE USA Focal Group

Following IMCA’s seminar in Providence Rhode Island in November 2022, IMCA kicked off a new North East USA Focal Group at a two-hour seminar chaired by Dustin Varnell on 26 January 2023. Dustin is Osbit’s US Country Manager and IMCA’s Advisor – US Atlantic. The aim of the focal group is, “to influence and shape the safe and efficient operations on the NE Atlantic Coast of North America.”Its objectives are: Identify common matters of interest in the region. Identify the relevant guidance required to be able to be able to operate safely and effectively on the Atlantic Seaboard. Improve communications

IMCA adds U.S. offshore wind expertise to Business Development team

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has appointed Dustin Varnell to its Business Development team. Based in Rhode Island, Dustin will focus on the U.S. offshore wind energy market, complementing the work of Bruce Gresham, IMCA’s Director of Client Engagement in the U.S. Allen Leatt, IMCA CEO stated: “As a Master Mariner on dynamic positioned (DP) vessels Dustin is very familiar with IMCA’s work in the field, which is very beneficial in representing the association to existing and new member companies in the U.S. wind industry. We look forward to closely engaging with industry in the Northeast U.S. and helping

IMCA signs MOU with Business Network Offshore Wind

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Business Network for Offshore Wind (the Network) a non-profit, educational organisation to develop the offshore wind renewable energy industry and its supply chain in the U.S. The purpose of the collaboration is to share knowledge concerning the industry’s safety and productivity that will promote investment and support its future growth. Allen Leatt, CEO, commented: “Both IMCA and the Network share the common goal of supporting the advancement of offshore wind energy in the U.S. in a safe and efficient way. “The Network is expertly placed

IMCA Demystifies the American Offshore Workers Fairness Act

IMCA published a detailed Information Note on 14 March 2022 on Congressionally proposed manning constraints applicable to vessels operating in support of U.S. offshore energy projects.  The proposal was passed by the House of Representatives on 29 March 2022 – the American Offshore Worker Fairness Act, Section 518 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022 (H.R 6865).  This measure is now pending before the U.S. Senate. “There remains much more to comprehend regarding the potential of this proposed legislation and there are many inaccuracies related to the purported rationale for the need for enactment of this legislation,” explained IMCA’s

IMCA Responds to Congressional Advancement of U.S. Crewing Legislation

On March 29, 2022 the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation – H.R. 6728 – that included a provision in Section 518 (as we have previously reported) that would impose burdensome new citizenship-based restrictions on crews of foreign flag vessels that work on offshore energy projects on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (“OCS”).  This provision would require mariners on foreign flagged vessels operating on the OCS be either U.S. citizens, permanent residents (green card holders), or citizens of the nation of the flag state of the vessel, in contravention of longstanding international principles that regulation and credentialing of crews are

IMCA explains the unrealistic proposed US crewing exemption process

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) provides the following update to its Information Note (1606) published on March 1, 2022 on H.R. 6728, a proposed amendment to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (“OCSLA”) that would impose burdensome new citizenship-based restrictions on crews of foreign flag vessels that work on offshore energy projects on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (“OCS”). This legislation remains under active consideration by the U.S. Congress.  In order to better understand the adverse impacts of this legislation IMCA explains, from a practical perspective, how this proposed legislation would result in unnecessary and severe administrative burdens without

IMCA Publishes Information Note on the Impacts of Proposed Crewing Legislation

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has published on its website a new Information Note that should be of interest to IMCA Members with offshore oil and gas and renewable energy businesses in the United States. This relates to new proposed legislative amendments called the American Offshore Worker Fairness Act that would dramatically change citizenship crewing requirements for vessels engaged in offshore energy support operations on the outer continental shelf of the United States.  Specifically, Members should be aware of proposed legislative changes that would undermine a regulatory scheme that has served the offshore energy industry well for decades by

Upcoming Regional Committee Elections

Do you want to be involved in IMCA’s committees? Elections for three of our regional committees will be taking place shortly: Middle East & India North America South America If you are a member and have a presence in these parts of the world look out for information about how to get involved with our committee work. Full details relating to timeline and process for these elections will be communicated direct to Members in the relevant region in due course.

IMCA publishes Jones Act related Information Note

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has published on its website a new Information Note that should be of interest to the offshore oil and gas and renewable energy industries based on a new development related to enforcement of the Jones Act and Vessel Crewing. Specifically, stakeholders should be aware of the evolving methods used by pro-Jones Act advocates to draw attention to offshore operations that they claim to be noncompliant with applicable coastwise and vessel crewing laws. An industry group has deployed a surveillance vessel, the Jones Act Enforcer, to monitor and report suspected Jones Act and other violations

IMCA forges N.American offshore wind contacts

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is successfully expanding its reach in the North American offshore wind sector thanks to its membership in the Business Network for Offshore Wind (BNOW), the organisation dedicated to building a network designed to usher the U.S. into the offshore wind market. IMCA’s network will undoubtedly expand thanks to its participation in BNOW’s International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum (IPF2021) In Richmond, Virginia 24-26 August. IMCA member companies are very active in the offshore wind industry globally, working at all development stages from feasibility studies to offshore construction. The overwhelming majority of offshore installations have been

Consultation on IMCA’s Code of Practice on Environmental Sustainability

Please note that this consultation period is now closed – thank you for your support. Environmental sustainability and the energy transition are fundamental to long-term value creation for the offshore marine contracting industry. In recognition of this, and to help improve environmental performance, a dedicated workgroup was formed under the auspices of the Environmental Sustainability Committee, with oversight of the IMCA Board, to develop a Code of Practice on Environmental Sustainability. For the past four months, the workgroup consisting of international contractors, global contractors and contractors have held 6 workgroup, 20 subgroup meetings and multiple bilateral meetings and worked together

IMCA’s Global Reach: AWEA Offshore Windpower Virtual Summit

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is presenting at the AWEA Offshore Windpower Virtual Summit on 13 October 2020. Captain Andy Goldsmith, Technical Adviser – Marine and Bruce Gresham, Director of Client Engagement, North America, will give a joint presentation on ‘Preparing the Workforce – Industry Education and Training’ (15:15 EST/20:15 GMT). “The material included in educational and familiarisation programmes is based on operational knowledge and experience. IMCA Members, like those involved in our Marine Renewable Energy Committee, share their experience and knowledge to produce industry accepted guidance documents. Prepared by the industry for the industry, IMCA Members are required

IMCA Speaking at Underwater Intervention in New Orleans

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is being represented by Peter Sieniewicz, IMCA Technical Adviser – Diving, at this year’s Underwater Intervention (UI) on 5 February 2020. UI, which takes place in New Orleans 4-6 February 2020, is the premier event for the entire underwater operations industry. Through compelling education and thought-provoking features, UI will draw the industry’s leaders from around the world to gather for three days of networking, thought sharing and relationship building. Looking forward to UI Peter Sieniewicz said: “It is an honour to represent IMCA at this conference given its relevance to a key section of